LBA to host town hall meeting on Seven Corners Redevelopment - September 22
The Lake Barcroft Association is hosting a town hall meeting on Monday, September 22, at 7:30 p.m., at the Mason District Government Center. We will discuss the Seven Corners Redevelopment proposal, the current status of Task Force deliberations, the roles of the Fairfax County Planning Commission and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in approving amendments to the Comprehensive plan, and the rezoning process that will address specific development proposals. Invited guests to our town hall meeting include: Supervisor Penny Gross; Task Force Chairman John Thillmann; and Planning Commission member Janet Hall. We will have presentations by our guests, followed by an open forum question and answer session.
More information about the Seven Corners Task Force, including copies of the most recent Revised Draft Comprehensive Plan (September 2014) and the Transportation Study Phase II (June 2014) can be found on the Fairfax County Office of Community Revitilization web site at
LBA has sent three letters on the Seven Corners matters. The first is an August 12th letter in which we joined signed by various neighborhood associations to Task Force Chairman John Thilmann. It may be found here [PDF]. The second is an August 12th letter from LBA that supplements the neighborhood letter. It may be found here [PDF]. And the third is a September 12th letter to Supervisor Penny Gross. It may be found here [PDF].
In addition, the LBA President has written two newsletter articles on the proceedings of the Seven Corners Task Force. The first appeared in the September 2014 edition of the LBA Newsletter, describes the Task Force Actions that took place in August, and may be found here [PDF]. The second will appear in the October 2014 Newsletter, describes Task Force actions and related events surrounding their September 9th meeting, and may be found here [PDF].