First name Last name Lot # (Please Create a New Transaction for Each Lot) Phone Provide a cell phone number Email Are you the lot owner or a renter? Are you the lot owner or a renter? - Select -OwnerRenterOther… Enter other… 2025 Covenant Fee & LBA Service Fee (Due Jan. 1, 2025)**Please note that the Lake Barcroft Association Board of Directors voted to increase the Annual Service Fee by $85 per household to a total of $495 per lot, effective January 1st, 2023. There is a late fee of $24.75 added to this amount after March 2nd.Retaining wall fee: The Parcel A Retaining Wall Reserve Fee is ONLY applicable for lots in Parcel A. Annual Fees Please check all that apply. Annual Service Fee, Covenant Fee ($495 + $24.75 late fee) Parcel A Retaining Wall Reserve Fee ($500) Boat registration ** NOTE: Boats without current stickers and lot numbers on them will be subject to removal and sale at auction. This includes any boats found on common property or in the Lake. Any boats participating in the Boat Sharing Program will have their boat fee waived for 2025. If you have a boat in the program, please indicate this on your invoice or in the notes section in your order online. Barges ($80 each) - None -1 ($80 total)2 ($160 total)3 ($240 total)4 ($480 total) Canoes ($35 each) - None -1 ($35 total)2 ($70 total)3 ($105 total)4 ($140 total) Kayaks ($35 each) - None -1 ($35 total)2 ($70 total)3 ($105 total)4 ($140 total)5 ($175 total)6 ($210 total)7 ($245 total)8 ($280 total) Paddleboards ($35 each) - None -1 ($35 total)2 ($70 total)3 ($105 total)4 ($140 total)5 ($175 total)6 ($210 total) Pedal Boats ($35 each) - None -1 ($35 total)2 ($70 total)3 ($105 total)4 ($140 total) Rowboats ($35 each) - None -1 ($35 total)2 ($70 total)3 ($105 total)4 ($140 total) Sailboats ($35 each) - None -1 ($35 total)2 ($70 total)3 ($105 total)4 ($140 total) Other Car stickers (no charge) Maximum: 5 Beach Tags - For Full Time Residents Only No charge; maximum: 5. Names for Beach Tags Please list the names of ONLY those children at least 10 years old and/or FULL TIME residents/ renters at this lot for whom beach tags are requested. Payment fees (optional) Add $15 to help cover credit card fees on annual membership dues. Add $15 to help cover credit card fees - None -$15 Donate Donate to TMF - None -$20$50$100$200$500 Make a Voluntary Tax Deductible Contribution to the Lake Barcroft Foundation, Inc. to support the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund. The LBF is an IRS approved foundation.This year, anonymous donors have indicated that they will match any donations made up to $5,000 for Scholarships.Note: To donate a custom amount, please use the Donate button on the TMF page (opens in new window). Usage agreement We agree to abide by the LBA rules and regulations regarding use of the lake and other common property and understand that when using the common property we do so at our own risk. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.