Clubs & Groups
Lake Barcroft Woman's Club
The Club's primary purpose is charitable, and we support local charities through annual fundraising. We also enjoy providing community support through sponsoring community activities, and uniting the women of the Lake through social events.
Community Activities - We organize the annual Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July Parade and Halloween Parade which attract the community’s children and grandchildren. Club members supply the manpower and special treats for these Lake Barcroft Community traditions.
Charities and Fundraising
Since its founding in 1955, the Club has donated approximately $300,000 (as of 2021) to local charities. Recipients have included ACCA (Annandale Christian Community for Action), Bailey's Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department, The Justice High School Scholarship Fund, the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund, Culmore Free Clinic and Haven of Northern Virginia, to name just a few. With the exception of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, the club has held an annual fundraiser for local charities selected by its membership. The annual fundraiser has varied and has consisted of a House Tour and Raffle, a Dog Show, and a House and Art Tour. Additionally, the Club is proud to provide financial support to the Lake Barcroft Woman's Club Community Garden and the LBA Ice Cream Social event.
Club Events
We enjoy annual fall and spring membership luncheons, a holiday party, and a special event in February to break up the winter, for example, a wine tasting or dance party. Our members also host several Special Interest Groups which usually meet monthly. These include a Book Club, Bridge Club, Crafts, Creative Floral Arrangements, Downtown Attractions, Eating Adventures, Mahjong, Movie Night and Theatre Adventures.
Lake Barcroft Community Garden
In 1974, the Club paid for a footbridge over Holmes Run to connect two sections of our community – a literal metaphor for the Club's years of building bridges to bring residents closer together. Then to celebrate its 40th anniversary in 1995/96, the Club began a Community Garden on the Dearborn Drive side of the footbridge, which continues today as a Lake Barcroft landmark. The bridge and garden have since been donated to the LBA.
Come Join Us
To join the Woman’s Club and obtain information about current club activities, visit the Woman's Club website at
Woman's Club Executive Committee
President: Alice Edmondson
Vice President for Fundraising: Jennifer Beggs
Vice President for Membership: Suzanne Gragg
Vice President for Communications: Debra M. Lee
Secretary: Karen Ackerman
Treasurer: Carol Tether
Past President: Charlotte Flounders
Parliamentarian: Jan Rasgus
Appointed Committee Chairs:
Archivist/Historian: Victoria Fernandez
Community Events: Jeannie Meyer and Eliana Turina
Directory: Trang Gueron
Home Health Aids: Leigh Gonzalez
House Tour: TBD
LBA Liason: TBD
Member Social Events: Merri Brown
Website: Debbie Ladwig